Thursday, January 31, 2008

Who says I can’t write crap?
Who says I can’t abuse?
Who says I can’t scream?
Who says I bathe everyday?
Who says I sleep every night?
Who says I don’t read while I shit?
Who says I hate to burp when I m full?
Who says I can’t play in the mud?
Who says I can’t swim in the stagnant water?
Who says I can’t poke my nose?
Who says I can’t scratch my ass?
Who says I don’t cry while I see some melodrama?
Who says I am too big to dress like that?
Who says I am too small to talk like that?
Who says I can’t day dream?
Who says I can’t fall in love?
Who says I can’t be blunt?
Who says I can’t be arrogant?
Who says I can’t be selfish?
Who says I can’t lie?
Who says I can’t steal?
Who says I can’t kill?
Who says I can’t jump from my windowpane?
Who says I am scared of ghosts?
Who says I can’t pretend?
Who says I am not manipulative?
Who says I worship god?
Who says I hate devils?

Who the fuck is he who says all that?
Bloody he


Saty said...

well that guys name is 'Who', silly!

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