Three years back, when I struggled hard to get into BMM, I got a call from a cousin asking me to get my admissions done through influence. After thinking for three days I decided to do B.A. I wanted to get my admissions done by merit and not influence. I dint want to secure a seat which belonged to someone who scored better than me, who worked harder than I had and I gave up the opportunity then and there. After few days I was told that a Sindhi girl who scored 20 marks less than me secured that seat but it did not matter because I chose to not be a part of that wrong system, may be the loss was mine but I was saved form that guilt.
Three years passed by and I graduated as B.A. I’ve learnt more through experience than any BMM course could teach me and am happy for the decision I had made then. But lots have changed today; I don’t feel wrong when I ask students to get their admissions done through influence or donations because that’s all they are left with. Today there is no question of merit, deserving or not deserving. Students scoring an 80 % very well deserve to get an admission in a reputed college; they deserve to study BMM, BBI and BMS. They deserve to become doctors and engineers but situation is far more different today. Mumbai University has left no chance but to secure seats for F.Y.J.C by paying 3 and 4 lac rupees.
All I feel is that, wish those guys sitting in the university, the education minister, the head chancellor could understand the real meaning of education, wish they could understand the difference between exams, tests and competition. If there are 80 thousand students appearing then why only 60 thousand seats are allotted to colleges? Where will the 20 thousand students go? What sense does it make when u blindly pass students just because you plan to revise the syllabus? Just to prove that ICSE is better than SSC and CBSE is better than ICSE, the moderators are playing with futures of the little kids.
How do we expect the parents not to pressurize the children to compete harder? If they don’t, they will remain behind. Whose mistake is it? Parents? School? College? or children? Who is responsible for the suicides committed by those teens who did not seek good marks or admission in a good reputed college?
Another problem is special seats for special caste. Do Sindhi’s and Guajarati’s deserve it more than students from another caste and creed? Are they under privileged that they should get that extra benefit? I understand about students who belong to backward classes who are under privileged, they study under street lights, study in municipality school who should be given an extra benefit to prove themselves. But what is it about a certain caste or creed? The problem is not with raj Thackeray who differentiates between Marathi’s and Bihari’s. Its very foundations start’s from educational institutions in Bombay. Differentiation between religion, caste, creed and language can be seen everywhere on different levels of our system. When the system allows such differences at the level of education, it proves how strong we are as a democratic nation. It definitely proves how secular we are; how just we are.
Kuala Lumpur...The city of Transit.
9 years ago
1 comment:
"When the system allows such differences at the level of education, it proves how strong we are as a democratic nation. It definitely proves how secular we are; how just we are"..
you are right, as communities we are so ethnocentric, we demqad all goodies for ourselves but when this ethnocentrism becomes obvioius and unavoidable (raj thackeray's case) we become helpless and weak.
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